February 12, 2014

Fuck you womenz

So I'm subscribed to Mamamia.  I'm getting a bit sick of the shit they post to be honest. It's turned into a bit of publicity bullshit grab and I don't like it.  Mia Freedman kind of annoys me and I'd love to work for them simply so I could antagonise her (oh and not clean shit off the walls) but I digress.....

I continue to click on their crap though, so colour me guilty.

But ----> this http://www.mamamia.com.au/parenting/fitmum/ post really shit me to tears.

For starters, in case you've come across this blog due my absolutely unexpected nerve hitting piece "Tony Abbott, you're an arsehole" found here http://qldnurse.blogspot.com.au/2014/02/tony-abbott-youre-asshole.html (which thanks for everyone's input, glad I'm not the only one who's a big fan of the term 'douche canoe'), I'm having trouble conceiving another human being.

So the fact, that ANYONE who CAN conceive another human being without trouble, feels they have the right to criticise anyone else who can conceive another human being, is pretty much worthy of being castrated (or have a hysterectomy - I'm a nurse not an idiot I know biology) in my opinion.  THERE.

WHY THE FUCK do women hate each other so much?  Seriously?  I'm not sure, but I think I graduated high school (quite) a few years back and the backstabbing bitchiness stopped there.  But apparently I am wrong, as a wimenz I am subject to the backstabbing bitchiness that apparently comes along with being a wimenz. My question is why?

Now, before I was a Registered Nurse, I worked in Construction. Sexism aside (I once had a Site Manager say that a construction site was 'no place for a woman') I loved loved loved working with blokes.  Because this is how it went.

Them: "You fucked up."  Me: "Yep, sure did." Them: "Fix it. Don't do it again.". Me: "I'll buy a carton this Friday". Them: "Sweet".

Then, it was forgotten!  Holy mother of Bacon!! (If you're confused, please refer to my earlier post where I clearly indicated I was a Minister of the Church of Bacon and no, am still not ashamed. I will ordain your marriage in the Church of Bacon if you wish #praisebacon).

So here's my issue.  Working with the wimenz.

I recently found out, that the wimenz that I used to work with over 3 months ago, were bitching about me changing my Facebook privacy settings so they couldn't see everything I posted.  I did this a while ago and apparently I'm 'such' a good friend they've only realised now.  So, instead of coming to me personally, these wimenz decided that they would bitch about me to someone they knew was my friend, knowing this conversation would get back to me and I would somehow respond.  Well you know what wimenz? FUCK YOU! If you're upset you're not getting my information on Facebook, text me! Call me! Get the information from the source directly.  Don't bitch about me behind me back.

Re: the crap mamamia article. Wimenz - stop being bitchez!!!  Yes, I am writing with the z's because I feel like this subject is so stupid and outdated the new technology needs to be adapted just to highlight how stupid we as wimenz are.

Why? My question is why? We have so much pressure from pretty much EVERY other area, to be better than we are, more than we are, better looking than we are, better mothers than we are, better WHAT-THE-FUCK ever than we, that can't we just do the sisterhood a solid and get each other's back for fuck's sake??

Seriously, you're now bitching about other wimenz not exercising enough with kids? Seriously? Like for serious? As in the real world?

When I finally do get to become a mother, I will spend (possibly) a week or more in my pj's doing nothing but stare at my new born child.  If you don't like that, FUCK YOU.  There is 0 possibility of me dragging my (apparently, I just gave new life to another human being, but whatever) fat ass to the gym and leaving my miracle of a being alone while I squat my 'tight ass buns' at the gym.  Because you know what? I JUST GAVE BIRTH TO ANOTHER HUMAN BEING SO SUCK IT!!

And you know what wimenz? You probably just did too!  So shut the fuck up!

Raising children is HARD. Like ridiculously hard! And I have this sneaky suspicion, that if you're more concerned about what the women next door is doing with her 'saddlebags' than you are with your child's next smile/laugh/giggle/burp/bowel movement, then you are doing parenting WRONG!

So shut the hell up!!

Next time a friend comes to you saying that she feels fat and unloved, tell her she GAVE LIFE! Which isn't easy to do.

Next time someone tells her she isn't losing her 'baby weight' as fast as she wants, ask her about how her kid is doing.

Next time your friend says her husband says her body isn't the same since she gave birth, tell her to nut punch him.

Stop being bitchez! Let's support each other hey?  Geezus.  Is it seriously that hard??

And Mamamia - YOU. Stop writing deliberately inflammatory crap under the guise that you are all feminists working towards bringing the sisters together. Because THIS crap is NOT doing that. We are all aware you are simply doing it to get clicks on an article. SO STOP. Bad Mamamia. Bad!

Qld Nurse.

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