February 07, 2014

Tony Abbott, you're an arsehole.

Hi Tony,

You're a douche canoe.

When you said that some people earn too much money, I'm sure you didn't mean nursing staff.  Because I'm nursing staff.  And I ASSURE YOU, I earn every single fucking dollar I earn.  Like my tweet said, if you came to me in hour 10 of my 12 hour night shift and told me that I was 'earning too much' I would probably kick you fair in the nuts and then continue on with the rest of my shift on autopilot.

For starters, when I worked on the Neurosurgical ward, I got spat at, kicked, hit, punched, abused and had to deal with people painting the walls in their own faeces.  So I'm sure that when I was on an early shift earning my $30.3526/hr which included showering, feeding, changing pads, walking, dealing with family/friends/doctors/physios etc etc. you didn't mean me.  I'm SURE.  Because when I got home from my early shift (for those in the know, that means NO penalty rates) and couldn't move from the couch because my back hurt from physically moving several people from a bed to a chair/tilt table/regency and I couldn't feel my feet from being on them for 8 hours straight, I know you didn't mean that I didn't earn my dollars.

Now I work in Critical Care, and it doesn't matter what shift I'm on because I run my ass off no matter what, I'm 100% sure you didn't mean that I didn't earn my dollars.

I KNOW that on Sundays, when the cleaners got paid more than me and all they had to do was vacuum floors and change linen skips while I was juggling the life of at LEAST 8 people instead of enjoying a weekend with my new husband, that you didn't mean that I didn't earn my dollars.  (PS I love you cleaners, you make my life so much more bearable and please don't hate me for trying to make a point, I heart you.)

Because here's the thing.  I never went into nursing for the money.  I'm 100% sure that no nurse EVER goes into the profession thinking 'hey, I'm gonna retire when I'm 30 from the $ i'll be making'.  No one. EVER.

Nurses, want to make sick people feel better.  Nurses, want to make a difference in people's lives.  I've been doing this shit for almost 5 years now and I've been told maybe 3 or 4 times 'Really, thank you.'

You know what sucks?  Those 3 or 4 times, make it worth it.  I do what I do, not because I have a HECS debt that I'm not gonna repay until i'm 105, not because I can tell people that I save lives, not because EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY someone tells me thanks.  No.  I do what I do, because I love it.  Sure, the money isn't fantastic. It isn't terrible, and I get penalty rates.  But guess what Tony, I earn those bloody penalty rates.  I don't go on a fucking charity bike ride sponsored by whoever and claim that shit back on the taxpayer's dollar.  I work on weekends.  MOST weekends. Because people don't get sick between the hours of 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.  I have to book my holidays over a year in advance because everyone is so burnt out and we are so understaffed that we are only allowed a certain amount of people on holidays at one time.

I don't say it often enough.  I don't even feel it often enough.  The amount of times I've thought to myself, "I can't do this anymore." "This is killing me." "Why do I do this?" "No one even cares."

But you know what Tony A-Butt?  I do what I do because it make a difference in someone's life.  It may not pay the best, it may pay the best. Whatever.  It still makes me a better human being than you.

Because the taxpayers pay my wage, and I give back to them.  Unlike YOU.  Who are taking, and making a mockery of the system.

You earn 10x more than what I make and what have you given to the Australian public? SFA that's what.  What you need to realise Tony is that you too are a public servant.  If you make a decision that 'isn't going to be popular with the public' then you probably shouldn't do it. Because the public voted you in to do what was best for them.  So if the 'general public' don't want it, then don't fucking do it, you wanker.  YOU work for US.  The same as me.  The same as all the public servants who are earning the minimum wage, that you lovingly think is too much.

Hey Tones, can I call you that?  I feel like because my taxes are paying you, we are on a nick-name kinda basis.

Tones, here's an idea.  Instead of cutting back on things like Australians benefits that they are ENTITLED TO, how about you look at your useless Minister's wages and cut back on that shit. Because the way I see it, if you think that the rest of Australia should be paid on a performance basis, your dickwads of pollies should be too.  If they don't perform, they should be subject to the same kind of scrutiny that the police/fire/ambulance/nurses/ALL PUBLIC SERVANTS are.

YOU WORK FOR US TONY.  Don't forget that.  You've pretty much pissed off the entirety of Australia with your backflip on policies.  So how bout you do us all a favour and do what you were elected to do, and stop flipping us all the bird.

Yours sincerely,
Qld Nurse.


  1. Kick freckle! Beautifully put.

  2. You're my hero! That is an awesome blog!!

  3. This is the best letter. EVER. I have shared it and I know all my nurse friends will spread it far and wide!!! Thank you from a fellow Melbourne nurse!!

  4. Thanks guys! I really appreciate that! :D

    1. This is awesome!!! Made my evening...

  5. I presume Liesalot was referring to people like him when he talks about "some people" being paid too much. I would never say that they actually earn their bloated salaries.

  6. It's the same here in the States. We spawned the asshattery sweeping the world.

  7. A better human being than Tony Abbot? You sure are x 1000%. Loved this blog, well done.

  8. Thanks for all your positive words everyone! This was written in a post night shift, sleep deprived rage. I certainly didn't expect this type of attention for it! I guess it touches a nerve with everyone who works bloody hard for their money to be told by a priviledged, old white man that they don't deserve it.

  9. thank you for what you do!!! and this letter :)

  10. I love this blog, just managed to add you to my list, took me long enough. Its kris by the way :)

  11. You "GO GIRL", never have truer words be said, printed or published in relation to what nurses have to do and put up with each and every day and shift. The abuse (physical, verbal and emotional), should entitle each and every one of us to at least double what we are paid. And you are right that one random "thank you" makes it all worth while. I have been in and out of the medical field for 46 years ( I quit every 8-9 years and am never going back ... HAHA) and we have been the worst and lowest paid, the least appreciated by fellow professionals (as we are only nurses). Onya, and keep up the good work.

  12. Well said!! Reduce penalty rates, NOT IN OUR NAME MR ABBOTT!!

    March In March Australia 2014 will be three days of peaceful assemblies, non-partisan citizens’ marches and rallies at Federal Parliament and around Australia to protest against government decisions that are against the common good of our nation.

    This signifies a 'people’s vote of no confidence' in government policies and decisions that go against common principles of humanity, decency, fairness, social justice and equity, democratic governance, responsible global citizenship and conserving our natural heritage.

    Many Australians are deeply concerned with the way our country is being governed. Not just at the present moment, but in general. They are concerned over issues which directly affect them, their families, and indeed all Australians. They are concerned about the policies and behaviour of all Australian political parties. They are concerned with the direction in which Australia’s great civil society is heading.

    Democracy doesn’t end at the ballot box. It is the right, if not duty, of all Australians to hold our elected representatives to account; to remind them that they are, above all else, public servants. We must inform them regularly, daily if need be, of our concerns with the issues that affect all Australians. We must participate directly in our democracy in order for it to be truly representative.

