June 28, 2015

What I've learned in a year.

It's my birthday!
Fuck yeah!

This time last year I was spewing my guts up and upset I didn't get to have a birthday party because a tiny terrorist had set up camp in my baby box. I feel like I have aged about 20 years in the last year. This time I get to drink some rum and have a sleep in. And blog. 

So here's some things I have learned in the past year.....

1. When your parents say 'you'll understand when you have kids of your own', it actually genuinely means that you will only really understand when you have kids of your own. Parents say a lot of shit that you think 'yeah whatever, you're talking outta your arse'. I know - I'm a parent. I talk outta my arse a lot. No seriously, they give you a 'talking outta your arse' handbook when you give birth. True story. I didn't understand the statement 'you'll understand when you have kids of your own', until I had a kid of my own. If you don't have kids you won't understand. But don't worry - you will. When you have kids of your own.

2. Older actually does mean wiser. The time in this last year, has somehow morphed me into this weird person that doesn't really care too much that I'm missing the 2 for 1 drink specials at the local bar. I suddenly understand that eating well and exercising makes me feel better. Getting a full nights sleep will help my mood. Or that bitchy chick that did that thing that one time that was super bitchy? Who gives a fuck?! Not me, that's for sure. Because I'm like super wise and shit. Yeah.

3. Money matters for a whole different reason. When I was 18 and earning like $500 a week (it was a lot back then you young whippersnappers!) I should have bought a house. They were like $150,000 for a massive house. It was so much money back then. But I had fake nails to buy. And 2 for 1 drinks. Oh my goodness how I wish I could smack my 18 year old self upside the head. I would have had such security now for my child (hopefully child/ren). I wouldn't have to work so much to pay off the amount of debt I have. Debt from buying fake nails and 2 for 1 drinks or whatnot. Which brings me to my next point....

4. You really need to find a job that you love. You need to work in a place you feel valued and that you feel contributes to your soul. Otherwise, you will realise that leaving your child/ren for a whole day simply to earn enough money to pay for whatever you bought when you were 18, is really not worth it. You can make it work for less. You'll sacrifice something in order not to work. Not because you don't want to work, but because you'd rather spend time with this tiny human creation that you created. You can cut out x, y, or z in order to work less in a job that you hate. You will find time to go to a job that you makes your soul sing. You'd do it free actually.

5. Life is way too short to put up with shit people. Do you have a friend that you 'should' see? Fuck them right off. Does phoning your sister give you heart palpitations? Well fuck that! Surround yourself with people that make you feel good and you want to make feel good. The good people die young. They don't have enough time. The shit people will live through a zombie apocalypse. You never know when the last time you talk to a person will be. So talk to the people that matter and forget the people that don't.

6. Words of wisdom are for suckers.  No seriously. Stop reading this. You're being a sucker.

Well, it's past 9pm and I'm old now. So I'll let you go and make a warm milk and honey or whatever. Tomorrow I plan on studying bath aids and safety grips.

Because I'm old.

And wise.

So there.


Qld Nurse.

June 11, 2015

Oh hai!

So I haven't blogged in a while.

Because (in case you couldn't tell by the rage and spelling errors) I mostly blogged when I was drunk and have fired up over something. Like vaccinations, stupid parenting advice, or generally just dumb people that have pissed me off. (Side note: I re-read my vaccination blog and drunk or no, I was pretty happy with it and stand by every word!)

I haven't been drunk in a while. I haven't really felt the need. I like not waking up hungover and I kind of want to be healthier. I've had days where I've really thought 'holy bacon I could go a Bundy!' but then I realise that I'd rather just sleep. I think it's been well over a month since I've had anything to drink at all.

I haven't been fired up over something worth blogging about. I get angry and talk about it, therefore not feeling angry anymore, or I just realise that it's not worth getting angry about and continue on living my life.

All this got me thinking...... am I like.....mentally stable right now?

And if so, WHO THE HELL AM I EVEN?!?

I have this feeling inside me, where I'm not really feeling any angst about anything in particular. I think it's called contentment. I've NEVER been content before. EVER. As in my whole (almost) 31 years, I have never just sat back and gone 'yep, everything is pretty orright actually'.  I've always been fighting with someone, having relationship issues, having baby issues, having extreme mental health issues, helping others deal with their extreme mental health issues.....

Right now I'm not doing any of that. I'm just.... happy. I'm a bit scared kids. Seriously, I think I need an adult.

I see a psychologist regularly who's given me tools that actually really help. I have my child in a routine and he's (mostly) happy and sleeping through the night, which means I (mostly) sleep through the night. I did a parenting course, which I'm pretty sure repaired our attachment issues and I'm even thinking that maybe a 2nd or 3rd or 10th baby is a possibility in the future. I have a list on the fridge of what we will be eating daily and the exercise classes I'm going to take. I'm joining a freaking gym tomorrow and have actually scheduled that into my day kids. I have a cleaning schedule so the house is pretty clean most of the time. At least once a week every room in the house gets a really good solid clean. You never really know how dirty your house is until you have a crawling baby in your house.

For realsie. I'm totally winning at life right now.

I write a shopping list according to what we will be eating and I don't go up and down the aisles and buy unnecessary shit anymore. I made my husband AND my child breakfast the last few mornings and we sat down and ate together before he went to work. I even said aloud, 'you know, I wouldn't mind being a stay at home mum. I think I'd be good at it.'

Holy shit.

I just realised who I am.

I'm a fucking Stepford wife.


Or old.

Of course. Never mind everyone. I'm just old.

Crisis averted.

Qld Nurse.