December 27, 2013

As the year 2013 ends.....

So as the year comes to an end I think to myself "THANK CHRIST!" Or "THANK BACON" as I am now officially an ordained member of the Church of Bacon. Yes - it was a drunken impulse.  No I am not sorry so deal OK?

Seriously, this has been probably the worst year of my life. I've thought about divorce more times than I should have (yep hit my first anniversary in September = winning!!!), I've miscarried the baby I so desperately wanted and I've changed into a job where I feel I know nothing and everyone is wondering when I'll get fired, my parents have separated (again for the like the 60th time) and my father in law has undergone chemo like 3 times. It's been grand. :o/

So, at the end of the year, I walk past homeless and the less fortunate and I think, well maybe I shouldn't be such a cunt. (Sorry for the c word mum, I love you.)

I mean, I have a job where I get paid (fairly) decently, I have an alright car, my bills are paid on time (relatively) and the only REAL problem I have is that ppl turn to me with their problems and expect me to solve them (mostly my parents, but occasionally 'friends').

Which is cool, but I feel like a fraud because if they're turning to me, it means they think I've got my shit figured out. Which means I'm obviously a hell better actor than I thought I was.  I do NOT have my shit figured out. I mean in total "I've called Lifeline like twice in the last month and have made an anonymous donation to counteract the calls" not figured out is what I'm talking about.

I do not understand life. I do not understand why some people can be absolute bastards to their bodies and survive and others can live an 'organic, drug free, preservative free, colour free, fun free' life and die of brain cancer. I do not understand that.  I do not appreciate (especially now working in ICU) how sometimes bad shit happens to good people and you just have to accept it. I don't. I don't have the answers to life. I don't have the answers to what ails you and I have definitely not felt more stupid because I'm aware of what I don't know than what I do now.

However, I've gained a friendship and familiarity with a sister that I never knew before, I've had emails from friends I haven't spoken to in years, I've touched a few lives that I didn't think I'd touch, and I've gained an inner strength I didn't think I had.

BUUUUUUUUTTT, I have realised the importance of friendship. I had a friend tell me the other day (when I suggested I shut down a little because I didn't know who I could trust) that my openness was what ppl loved about me because as much as other ppl were selfish bitches they knew where they stood with me and that was a value that was understated.

So, my new years resolution - is to pay more attention to the ppl who I think deserve it, and listen to the patients who I think have more to say. I promise that 2014 will be the year that I feel I achieved something, and hopefully, that's another human life.  If it's not, then I hope it's filled with GENUINE friendships, and a love of life that I haven't really experienced before. Because there's some terrible shit out there folks. And if you're lucky enough not to experience it, then I hope you KNOW that you're lucky enough not to experience it.

Peace out you lucky motherfuckers. xo


  1. This is so good! I am really glad you have taken to Blogging & this one in particular is a bloody good wake up call to everyone! Shit happens, but you just have to get over it and more importantly, make the most of it & don't 'miss' anything good that comes your way. Too often we get caught up in our own dramas & as the saying goes, forget to smell the roses. We are lucky!! We just sometimes forget to appreciate that :(

  2. Thanks Noely. I wouldn't have even thought about doing this if it weren't for your amazing blog so thank you x a million!

  3. I cannot tell you how much you have inspired me, made me laugh and simply just given me a wake up call with your blog and friendship.
    Thanks mate!
    From your campaign manager (Pirate Party)

    1. I'm not even kidding when I say that for serial, if you want to be my campaign manager, I am happy to run as a member of the Pirate Party for senate and the Prime Minster. I think I have a good shot against iA-Butt given that I actually might give a shit about the future of this Country. As long as is doesn't (obviously) conflict with my role as a Member of the Church of Bacon, I'm in 100%. O.O

    2. Sorry mate, you are not suitable for running as you do not fit the values (or lack-there-of) of parliament. Saying things like you give a shit about the future of Aus... what's that all about? You'd knock all the old fuddy duddys off their chairs (who am I kidding, they were probs asleep anyways from their large lunch paid for with taxpayers dollars!)

    3. Fuck. I knew there'd be an issue. But on the upside I can employ a lot more people, as moderators would be needed to *bleep* out every single press conference and parliament sitting I ever did. No. 1 for employment?? :P
