I don't claim to be an expert on political affairs, most of the time I struggle to care because it's all such bullshit. I also in no way support Tony A-butt as I'm sure you know from me calling him a few choice words in a heated post a while back. I'm not a LNP fan, having said that I am also not a ALP fan, or a Clive Palmer fan or pretty much any of the politician's fans because the majority are overpaid megalomaniacs in politics for selfish reasons who really don't give two shits about the people they're representing.
Here we go.
There are proposed changes to the dole which mean that job seekers under the age of 30 will have to spend 25 hrs a week 'working for their dole' and apply for 40 jobs a month. Which works out to be 2 job applications & 5 working hours per working day, say Monday - Friday. Or Tuesday to Saturday, because we all know the Saturday paper has the biggest amounts of jobs. My question is......and?
There are people losing their collective shit all over Australia stating how unfair this is and how you will have so many people applying for so few jobs and how are you supposed to fit in the job finding with the having to work? Seriously? You are unemployed and young. What else do you have to do with your 24 hours free a day?
In the short periods of time where I have been unemployed, I used to apply for up to 10 jobs A DAY. I had rejection letters coming out the wazoo. My job was finding a job. But I wanted a job. No, scrap that - I NEEDED a job. I applied for jobs that were beneath me, above me, jobs I wanted, jobs I wasn't so keen on, jobs I thought I'd have no chance of getting but would apply anyway. Because that's what you do. You don't 'wait' for the perfect job to appear because guess what kids? Sometimes that 'perfect job' doesn't exist or won't exist for months, and your landlord doesn't give a fat rat's ass that you've got a degree in interpretative dance and there are currently no jobs in your area. I've been a checkout chick, worked at Maccas, waited tables, I worked at a servo filling up gas bottles back in the day. Did I want to be any of those things? Nup! But apparently Ergon Energy aren't that interested in my dreams and aspirations. They're more interested in not letting me have free electricity. Because nothing in this world comes for free kids. So how 'bout we put our big girl panties on and deal with that ok?
The more time you are unemployed, the more undesirable you will be to a future employer. The more time off you have had, the less likely you will be to even get to interview stage. So if people are REALLY wanting to work, why is working for the dole such a big deal? It's experience. Even if you are working at a job you hate, you are getting experience in time management, in team work, in arriving on time, in organisation. The work for the dole may not be experience you would normally get, but it's experience. It will look good on your resume, it will show future employers that you have initiative. No, everyone is not suited to going out and digging holes but you will be a productive member of society and getting skills that can be transferred into your dream job when it is advertised one day. I was working 2 jobs while I was studying at uni AND still found time to volunteer at 2 places that I thought would get me valuable experience when I finally could apply for my 'dream job'. So don't tell me that it can't be done.
I don't know anyone that jumps out of bed in the morning, raring to go to work. Would I rather sit at home all day? Well yeah for a while I guess that would be great. I get pretty bored when I have more than 4 days off in a row and I remember going insane having no job and no money though, but hey! Maybe that's just me?
My point is, there are people out there, myself included who pay shitloads of tax to support people who need it. Who flog themselves into the ground daily but never see a third of that money because it goes to improvements in society like free healthcare, education and helping those less fortunate. I have absolutely no problem in that.....when it's actually going to people who need it. Disabled. Mentally ill. Pensioners. Yep, I got your back. Not single mums, who's youngest kid is 10 and going to school but she doesn't want to be a cleaner. Not a 20 something year old who wants to pick and choose when they want to go to work because some days they just don't have the energy. Not someone who has figured out that they get less money if they work over a certain amount of hours so they choose not to work instead because 'what's the point when I get less money?' No. No and no. Get a job. Get a shit job like everyone has had to do at some stage in their life. Figure out the child care and after school care. Work something out like other people have to. Can you imagine if everyone had that attitude? There would be NO payments because there would be no one paying tax.
Not everyone on Newstart is one of these people, I get it. But you know what public outcry? There are fuckloads of them that are. I SEE it everyday in the hospital. People who can afford to drink grog everyday and buy illicit drugs but are on a welfare payment. People who are more than able to work but 'don't see the point' when they can get free money from the government. People who are earning almost as much as I am when I am, when I am shaving years off my life working night shift to look after those 'less fortunate'. Being on the dole never used to be a lifestyle choice. It was something that you hated to do and were embarrassed by, but did until you got another job. It was a back up plan, not a first option.
Yes, there will be people that fall through the cracks. That's democracy unfortunately. Not everything will work for every member of society. And that's unfortunate. Will the amount of able bodied people being forced to actually get of the butts and get a job outweigh those who fall through the cracks? You bet. And if we had a government that actually had half a brain between them, the money saved would be filtered back into employment programs, mental health programs and homeless programs to help those falling through the cracks. If we had a government that actually listened to people and cared, they wouldn't have an ulterior motive to use work for the dole as a cheap labour source for their big business friends. But that will have to wait until next election.
Anyway, rage away kids. I honestly welcome your opinions as long as they are logical debate. I REALLY want to see why there is such outrage at this proposition.
Qld Nurse
It's like you can read my mind! I agree wholeheartedly, welfare for only those who really need it! xo