When the photo of little Aylan Kurdi went global, I took a break from social media for a while. Every time that photo flashed up in my news feed, my stomach dropped and I had to fight back tears. I donated to the UN Refugee Agency and I encouraged all my friends to do what they could. I signed a petition to urge our PM to increase his intake of refugees and I held my boy a little tighter knowing I was raising a child in a world where leaders are willing to let children die in order to maintain the illusion that they are powerful.
But not everyone had the same feelings I had.
I saw numerous people posting about how our Government should take care of our own before we start bleeding cash to these criminals trying to jump the queue. How Australia's homeless and disabled are so hard done by, that we should spend the money on them instead of helping these 'could be criminals'. I had one 'friend' post that our unemployment rate was already so high that letting these 'can't even speak English' people in would just mean they would take jobs that are rightfully Australian jobs.
And I thought to myself.....
People are LITERALLY risking their lives and the lives of their children in an attempt to leave their homes. Let that sink in for a minute. They have the chance of death and leaving, or the likelihood of death and staying. Aylan isn't the first child to die, and you can bet your arse he won't be the last. There are many, many Aylan's dying daily.
This is a picture of Syria today.
With a drought, a corrupt government, a FUCKING WAR happening and no way out, they are definitely just using this opportunity to come and take over Australia. #FFS
I paid extra money to have a private car with a baby seat take us from the airport on holiday, because I didn't want to hold my child on my lap in a taxi for fear of his safety. So in order for me to get on an overcrowded, rickety ship that could sink at any stage, with a lack of food, thousands of strangers, no knowledge of where we would end up and no guarantee of safe arrival anywhere, shit would have to be pretty fucking desperate.
I am in no way saying that the disabled and unemployed people in our country have an easy time. I DO think our Government should take better care of it's citizens. I DO think that the Government should get it's priorities straight when it comes to spending money. But I DON'T think that the priorities should be a choice of helping Australian people in need, or helping other people in need.
I think they should cut money to politician's 'golden handshake' pensions. I think they should reduce their expense accounts. They should be banned from spending tax payer money on propaganda campaigns to help them get re-elected in order to continue to spend tax payer money on luncheons and private jets and inquiries that only benefit their agendas. I don't agree with working my arse off to pay taxes in order for Joe fucking Hockey to claim a living away from home expense when he's staying at "his wife's house". It's YOUR FUCKING HOUSE JOE! YOU'RE MARRIED YOU FUCKWIT!!
If we're going to be outraged, why aren't we outraged at that? Why aren't we outraged that our government has somehow managed to convince us that we can't help people who are being bombed and drowning at sea trying to escape a country where you can get shot on the street? Why aren't we outraged that our politicians have convinced us there's no money for that, and yet can travel around the world with their families paid for by us?
When did we suddenly get this us vs them mentality? We are ALL people. We all bleed the same blood. We all have a mother, a father, a family, hopes and dreams. We are all struggling in this fucked up world to do the best that we can. How have we been convinced that only one demographic can be helped at a time? "Gee, I'd love you to help you out Mr Blind person but I just donated to the deaf community. Soz." That's such fucking bullshit.
It's more likely your next door neighbour is a psycho who beats his wife than the father escaping a war-torn country is an arms dealer. "We don't know whether they're criminals or not" is the most piss poor excuse to leave people to die. 2 women were killed by their partners in the last two days and guess what they weren't? Refugees! With some of the comments I have heard lately, I'm more worried that the people in THIS country are psychopaths, when they see a picture of a dead child and think "oh great, the bleeding hearts will milk this one for all it's worth!"
Since when does a child not born in Australia, deserve less love and protection? Why do we have to make a choice of whether we help the Australian homeless or the homeless refugee? It shouldn't be a choice. We can do both. A person in need of help is a person in need of help. Regardless of race, country of origin or sexual orientation.
If you genuinely believe that helping refugees means that we can't help our fellow Australians as well, there is something seriously wrong with you. If you genuinely have no sympathy for the family of a dead child, you are just as callous and heartless as the people dropping the bombs. Because you know who else thought that their way of life was more superior than others? Hitler. You are basically Hitler if you are willing to let women and children die because you don't want to share your toys.
When the going gets tough, the true character of people really shines. If you want to continue on hating, then at least hate the right people. Hate the rich, old white men running this country, who've never had to worry about whether today will be the day that people with machine guns run into their house and kill their family.
I guess the downside of living in the lucky country, is that we don't actually appreciate how lucky we are.
Just think about it.
Qld Nurse.