I have spent tonight arguing with dickheads on the internet about vaccinations. And you know what? I'm fucking furious. I'm ropeable. I can't sleep thinking about how I'd like to herd these people up and expose them to all the preventable diseases they believe they don't need to be vaccinated against just to see how they'd fare.
Because I have a baby. And I have a brain. And to me, those two things should be synonymous. But apparently they're not.
In the news recently, a 32 day old baby died from pertussis, or whooping cough as it's more commonly known. I can't even imagine the heartbreak those parents must be feeling. A 32 day old baby isn't old enough to be vaccinated. A 32 day old baby doesn't have the immune system required to fight off an infection. A 32 day old baby relies on the common sense of adults around them to get a jab in the arm that will greatly reduce the likelihood of contracting whooping cough. And I can tell you now, that if my baby died from someone who refused to get vaccinated, I would cut a bitch. Not metaphorically. Not jokingly. I would literally. CUT. A. BITCH.
If a child gave that baby the infection, I don't blame the child. I blame the parents. As a child, you don't have the option of requesting that you be vaccinated. You rely on the adults in your life having the common sense to vaccinate you. So I blame the adults in that child's life. The unbelievably uninformed, should not have been able to procreate adults.
I blame the stupid, non-informed, blog following, internet diagnosing fucking idiots who would disbelieve 99% of medical professionals and go ahead and NOT vaccinate their child because AUTISM. I had some waste of jizz tell me tonight that 'most medical professionals don't even read a medication insert'. For realsie dickhead? MOST medical professionals that I know, and you know, BEING a medical professional I sometime hang around medical professionals, well us medical professionals have to look up ALL the side effects of EVERY medication we give to ANYONE. In the case of a child that shit is doubled. Another nominee for the Darwin Awards told me that 'big pharma' create the illness to create the vaccine for money. Vaccinations for kids are free. You fucking genius. Seriously. Do these people have to remind themselves to breathe? How have they survived this long without licking a power socket??
Yeah, you know what? Some kids have a reaction to vaccinations. And that's really really really sad. Is it as sad as a kid dying from some vegan, organic eating, mummy blogging hippy who read that gluten & vaccinations cause autism so they opted not to vaccinate and then contracted measles but they were ok however the kid too young to get vaccinated died from hydrocephalus? No. No it's not. Some kids CAN'T get vaccinated. And that USED to be ok, because herd immunity existed. Herd immunity no longer exists because fucking playboy bunnies & movie stars decided to do a Google search to blame something for the fact their kids didn't turn out the way they expected.
You know what blaming autism on vaccinations does? It makes the mums with autistic vaccinated kids feel like shit. Because if you have a kid that doesn't 'fit the mould' you already go through every possible fucking explanation as to why that is. Maybe I ate too much sugar in pregnancy? Maybe that paracetamol really did affect them? Maybe it IS vaccinations! You know what really sucks?? You're autistic kid being ventilated in ICU because you didn't vaccinate them because AUTISM. Would you rather a dead kid than an autistic one? Would you rather a child that doesn't know who you are because they have permanent brain damage from contracting measles?
Look that site up. And every time an anti-vaxxer Googles some meme that shows a kid crying with a huge needle, send them that link. BECAUSE GOOGLE IS REAL YOU GUYS!
Study after scientific study has shown that vaccinations are safe. Do some people have side effects? Yep. Do some people have side effects from drinking milk? Yep. Should we ban milk? Do some people have side effects from having peanuts? Yep. Let's ban peanuts everywhere then! I have a physical reaction to stupidity so does that mean I can stop stupid people by any means necessary?? Oh please say yes....
I firmly believe in the no jab no play policies being implemented. If you don't want to vaccinate your kid, then you know what? Keep them home with you, home school them, feed them from your own veggie garden and cow paddock, with home slaughtered chicken or whatever. Don't EVER take them to the hospital if they're sick, because those doctors are just trying to make money off you. Because you know what makes REAL money? The thousands and thousands of dollars of medicine that needs to be pumped into your kid when they contract measles, or whooping cough, or Hep B. And if you think Hep B is a STI you're an idiot and you deserve to die from Hep B. Seriously.
I honestly cannot believe the stupidity and hypocrisy of the anti-vaxxers on the internet. I cannot believe that most of these people class themselves as highly educated. I cannot believe that these people are running around without their tin foil hats on.
If you believe 'big pharma' are making money off vaccines, does your naturopath give you 'natural immune boosting herbs' for free? Does your 'organic' lifestyle come without a price tag?
Or die at an early age so the smart people can live longer. Kthanksbai.
Qld Nurse.
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