April 13, 2014

Pregnant Woman Rant ahead

Seriously, language and hormone induced anger warning.  Look away. I said LOOK AWAY!

I am currently 12 weeks pregnant after undergoing some fertility treatment. Yay! I am having quite bad all day sickness because whoever called it morning sickness was probably a MAN who only ever saw his barefoot pregnant wife in the morning before he left to have AFFAIRS with his WHORE I'm sorry please don't leave me alone I love you!

Despite the fact I may scream "WHAT DO YOU FUCKING WANT FROM ME BABY?" through a stream of snot and spit while hunched over Percy the Porcelain, I am quite ecstatic to be pregnant.  Even more ecstatic that we have gotten to the infamous 12 week period and I was able to see a head (only one, phew!) and a heartbeat on the scan this morning.  I'm also aware of why I'm so sick because baby decided not to sit still for one second.  There was no photographic evidence but I'm pretty sure it's because she was swinging on my intestines. Also, I know it's a girl because it just is, and don't argue with me because I'm pretty sure I could stab you and get away with it on the hormone defence OKAY?

So I thought I'd spout some gems of wisdom that I have learned in my 12 weeks of being pregnant. i.e. I will rant about things that piss me off because hormones and hunger and constipation.  Right.

1.  Everything is a competition
EVERYTHING. Either people brag about how much sicker they were than me, or they brag about how little they had. Then they brag about their natural, drug free labour or they brag about how horrible their labour was and how super humanly they were somehow able to survive it and I should worship their every word on pregnancy.  They brag about how little weight they put on, or how much they put on and how hard they worked to lose it. Seriously, I don't care. Every pregnancy, every baby and every labour is different and when you asked me how I was I genuinely thought you wanted to know. If I'd been aware that it was just a way for you to bridge into your life story I would have just answered with 'fine thanks'. I apologise. Also, you are not the first or last person to have a baby and whatever you've done is not special - look at the internet and see the millions of others that have also done whatever you've done. So take your vegan, organic, yoga, home birth story and shove it up stage 4 torn ass. I don't want to hear it right now. Thanks.

2.  People who don't immunise their children should be placed on notice of having their children removed
Because they are obviously too stupid to raise them properly.  I haven't even had this child yet, and I am harassing every family member to make sure they are up to date on the whooping cough, flu and measles vaccine at the very least.  Vaccines don't cause autism, they don't cause birth defects, they cause children to NOT DIE FROM PREVENTABLE DISEASE. Fair enough, if your child has a severe allergy & you have it under great medical advice that it's not appropriate for your child to be vaccinated, great. But you should  make DAMN sure everyone else around your un-vaccinated child is done. In this day & age, I refuse to enter into an arguement on why you shouldn't vaccinate your kids, because as Mark Twain said 'never argue with idiots because they'll drag you down to their level & then beat you with experience.'  I do not understand parents who don't want to do absolutely everything in the power to prevent their kids from suffering and dying. If you give my child a disease because they're too young & you're too stupid, I will do a Liam Neeson on your ass. I promise. #vaccinateyourkidsstupid

3.  There's so much wrong with the world
It's depressing. Inconsiderate, rude, ignorant dicks who seem to be breeding at a phenomenal amount, with their stinky offspring just waiting to taint my precious future ruler of the world with their bigotry & bullshit. The worry about whether my child is going to grow up to be a serial killer is always there in the back of my mind and the fact that they will be socialising with children who RUN IN FUCKING SHOPPING CENTRES does nothing to quell said fear. The world is going to hell in a hand basket kids.  Bacon help us all. But more importantly Bacon help your kid if it so much as whispers a bad influence into my child's ear. Because I will be an absolutely amazing parent who raises the best child who does nothing wrong and that's my story and I'm sticking to it and if you tell me anything different I will cry so shut up!

4. Everyone's a fucking expert
Do you know how many articles are out there pretty much outlining that I am going to kill/damage/disable/severely fuck up my baby? I read an article telling pregnant women not to have Paracetamol. Panadol FFS. Because it causes autism. Are you fucking kidding me? Like we don't have enough guilt as mothers, then there's these arseholes out there making us feel guilty for not 'soldiering through' a headache. Oh and ultrasounds, as well as C-sections! Oh an make sure you limit X, Y, fucking Z because it causes X, Y, fucking Z. Well you know what? Fuck that. If this fertility struggle has taught me anything, it's that I have limited control over the baby situation. I can eat as healthily, exercise, avoid teratogens, whatever and it will still have limited impact on what is a process we don't fully understand because the baby gods will do what the baby gods will do. And that's coming from someone in the health field! Unless you have some scientific evidence in the form of millions of double blind trials and the recommendation of the world's experts, then keep your opinions (and that's only what they are without evidence) to yourself. I already feel guilty enough about EVERYTHING so take your judgement and jam it up your clacker bitch.

So that's my pregnant lady rant. I do not guarantee there won't be more to come. Please feel free to add your rants into the comments section. I will most likely virtually high five you, because that's the mood I'm in right now. I may cry about it tomorrow. Who knows! My poor husband is playing emotional bingo lately, but I think he likes it. Keeps him on his toes, no?

Qld Nurse.


  1. Gold mate Gold! Wish I had read this 20 years ago when I was pregnant :)

  2. Thanks Noely! I was feeling ranty. I blame the hormones.... LOL

  3. So happy for you!!!☺️☺️ may I know which fertility treatment has done the trick??? We are still trying, although I'm pretty sure we aren't going to get anywhere without help ��

  4. We did some Clomid. Very lucky, and only had to have one treatment because it affected me pretty badly! Had just about every side effect known, but in the end worth it.
    Good luck mate. Wishing you all the positive juju! x

  5. I admire any pregnant lady ranting, especially one as sound as yours. IN particular, YES on the vaccinations - seriously WTF, how stupid are some people.

    I am also sick of tying myself in knots over the slightest things - eggs that might be a smidgen soft, frigging Panadol (yeah I read that one too), goats cheese (love it and have been off it FOR 25 WEEKS MY FAVOURITE PUMPKIN SALAD IS NOT THE SAME) and, oh, aioli. 'Aren't you supposed to avoid aioli? Instead of dipping that big hunk of fish in it?' Yes probably but there's only a 0.001% chance that something might go wrong.)

    I don't think I'm making much sense, feeling a bit crazy today...

    1. Oh you are MORE than allowed to be crazy today, tomorrow, part way through next week. I think it is pretty much the only positive of being pregnant! I was completely unprepared for the amount of guilt I would feel about everything. I had feta cheese without thinking one night & was just about ready to book in another scan & full bloods just to make sure I didn't just ruin my child! I feel ya sister!
