October 15, 2017

Harvey Weinsteins are everywhere...

I've been raped twice.

Wow. Saying that out loud still makes me feel so dirty. One of my rapists, is now happily married with children. The other, I have no idea. Hopefully he's in jail rotting like he should be.

I didn't report either of my rapes. For the exact reason that Rose McGowan didn't report hers. For the same reason that thousands and thousands of women don't report theirs.

I was ashamed.

I thought it was my fault. I didn't have the emotional capacity to go through the courts. How do you prove yourself? If I hadn't have drunk as much, if I'd been more assertive, maybe it WAS my fault. Then I had the wonderful wise words, of the man I used to call my father, tell me "well when you drink as much as you do, what did you expect to happen?"

Women - it's never your fault. NEVER.

Here's a handy image I've prepared, of everything that causes rape.

Alcohol doesn't cause rape.

Clothing doesn't cause rape.

Leading a man on, doesn't cause rape.


If you are a man reading this right now here's some hints on how not to rape someone.


If she's drunk - keep it in your pants.

If she says no - keep it in your pants.

If she's underage, keep it in your god damn, fucking, disgusting pants.

To all these women coming out against Harvey Weinstein right now..... THANK YOU. Thank you for paving the way for all the other women (like me) that didn't have the courage to say 'what you did was wrong'.

To all the men, supporting the women.... THANK YOU. Thank you for showing us women that's it's ok to say 'what you did was wrong.'

To everyone else, who is saying things like 'they're just in it for the fame', 'they were probably asking for it', or like our famous Oompa Loompa, mysoginist prick of a USA President 'they were too ugly for me to rape'..... YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.


Qld Nurse.

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